Since the labour party disastrous
defeat in the recent general election and Ed Milliband stood down as party
leader, I hadn’t paid much attention to the leadership contest. From the little
I did hear, it seemed to me to be difference faces saying the same old things.
Just the same old tory lite policies we have all heard before. “Aspiration”
became the buzz word of the campaign and a number of the candidates attacked
the policies of Ed Milliband, saying he was too far left and the party needed
to take a more central ground. I, like many others felt uninspired by any of
the candidates and quickly lost interest, while wondering to myself what the
purpose of the labour party is, if it can’t challenge tory policies and offer
the electorate a real choice. Disheartened and disappointed that a golden egg
opportunity had been wasted I stopped listening, just as the party stopped
listening to it’s members a long time ago. I was certain that the labour party
was doomed, finished as a front line player in British politics. Until the
Greens, or a new left wing party was formed and gained the required momentum,
we would be stuck with successive conservative majority governments.
Then in the final quarter, north
Islington MP Jeremy Corbyn declared his intention to enter the competition. I
live just outside the border of his constituency, so although he is not my MP
(unfortunately) I have met Corbyn a number of times. Two friends and myself had
set up a new project for people in early recovery from drug and alcohol
addiction and we organised a party to celebrate the clubs first birthday. As
chairperson of the committee I invited both local MP’s, the two mayors and the
local press. Jeremy Corbyn was the only one who turned up, despite having a
busy schedule that evening and spent some time with the club members, talking
to them, socialising with them and it was a great evening. He left the club at
9.20pm and told us he was heading back to the houses of parliament to finish
off some work.
The second time I met Jeremy was
when a friend of mine, who was a constituent of his, was receiving an award
from our local mayor. Again, he mixed and spoke to lots of people, didn’t
matter who they were. We had a conversation about an issue I was having with
the local PCT. The reason I am telling these personal stories is in an attempt
to demonstrate the type of man Jeremy Corbyn is. He is an exemplary MP who
works hard for his constituents, whatever their issues or concerns might be.
Many of our MP’s could learn a lot by following his example. Jeremy is not a
9-5 five days per week MP, nor is he anyone’s puppet, having repelled against
different labour party leaders five hundred times when voting. British politics
would not be in the state it is now if all MP’s were as dedicated, committed
and worked in the interests of their constituents, as Jeremy Corbyn does. The
people of north Islington are very lucky to have him as their MP and I am not
in the least bit resentful my house is not 500 yards further north.
Today, if only by the skin of his
teeth, Jeremy has made it onto the ballot for the labour party leadership
contest. This is indeed a good day for the labour party, but also a great one
for the future of British democracy. There has been a huge campaign on twitter
supporting him and his facebook page now has 21,000 fans. Suddenly there is a
new buzz and excitement about the leadership contest. You see Jeremy Corbyn is
a man of the people. He is the only candidate who appreciates the damage and
suffering being caused to real people by the tories austerity program and he
stands firmly in the anti austerity camp. In fact, he has actually joined many
of the anti austerity demonstrations in London. He is also the only candidate who
is anti trident, believing it is insanity to spend £30billion+ replacing our
very own weapons of mass destruction. Jeremy was one of the few labour MP’s who
voted against the Iraq war and possibly the only one to join the anti Iraq war
With Jeremy Corbyn as leader of
the labour party we would have a strong voice to speak for the benefit
claimants who are being unfairly sanctioned, the 4.1million children living in
poverty, the working class poor, those unable to get a fair trial because of
the tories cuts to the legal aid budget, all of our public sector workers who
have had to endure a five year pay freeze, and the 1.084million people who were
forced to depend on food banks last year, to name a few. We would have someone
to challenge the tory policies of austerity, trident renewal, fracking our
countryside, attacking our fundamental human rights, tax breaks for the rich,
bankers bonuses, the estimated £122billion in unpaid taxes last year, allowing
the banks to continue with their irresponsible activities that caused the
global financial crisis in 2008 and perhaps most importantly the privatisation
of our NHS. He would be a voice for all taxpayers who stand to lose £14billion
from George Osborne’s plans to sell off our 81% shareholding in RBS bank, plus
the 7 years of interest we have paid on borrowing the money to bail out RBS in
the first place. If elected, Jeremy would be a voice for the millions of British
people who currently do not have a voice.
The possibility of a move towards real
democracy in Britain is alive again with Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the labour
party. Now that he is on the ballot for the leadership contest, a real debate
can begin about the future of the labour party, but also how we are to be
governed. It will be a tough campaign, but Jeremy has a lot of grass roots
support and many people will be encouraged by the possibility of a clear
alternative to the policies of the tories. There are four candidates in the
contest, but Jeremy is the only one standing firmly on the side of everyone who
is fed up with our wholly undemocratic political system. But even if he does
not win the contest, the four months campaign will present an opportunity to
challenge the lies and myths spread by the tories and our national press. I am
not traditionally a supporter of the labour party, but I encourage everyone to
grab this opportunity with both hands and join in the debate about the future
of the labour party. There has never been a greater opportunity to be a part of
bringing real change to British politics and there has never been a better
chance for a move towards real democracy.
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