Our chancellor’s new plan to legislate fiscal
surpluses is an attempt to return Britain to Victorian values. He has even
revived the Victorian Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt (a
body that last met in 1860). His justification or rational is that the crisis
was due to Labour’s irresponsible borrowing when it was in office. The
opposition cannot be trusted unless it admits its guilt and promises to follow
Mr Osborne’s guidelines. Social democracy would be neutered, forever. But the
fundamental message here that labour has never been able to portray is that Mr
Osborne’s accusation is a lie. The reason we have £1.5trillion of debt is not
because labour were irresponsible with the nations credit card in order to
reduce child poverty, enhance public services, or give young people leaving
school with few/no qualifications a better chance in life.
Instead, the vast majority of our national debt,
£1.3trillion in fact has come from bailing out the banks, following the 2008
global financial crisis that the banks caused trough their irresponsible
lending and activities in the shadow banking market. Worse still, having
lumbered the banks debt onto the British taxpayer, the chancellor has failed to
impose proper regulations on the banks and allowed them to continue with
business as usual. It is because of the banks debts, which they caused, that
Osborne introduced the bedroom tax, cuts to welfare benefits, cuts to legal aid,
cuts to local authority funding, the freezing of all public sector workers pay,
but MP’s are due to receive a £7,000 pay rise despite 88% of respondents to a
public consultation carried out by IPSA said no to the pay rise for MP’s. IPSA
have said unless they receive compelling evidence against the rise by 30th
June, it will go ahead. What more compelling evidence could there be than 88%
of respondents in a public consultation saying no? While our MP’s enjoy a 9.2%
pay rise, our government are planning a further £30billion in cuts to public
sector spending over the next 2 years, including a £12billion cut to the
welfare budget. This is not democratic.
The reason our chancellor wants to legislate for
all future governments to achieve an overall fiscal surplus, effectively
meaning no government can borrow in “normal times” equally applies to the
planned law not to raise the main rates of income tax, national insurance and
value added tax until 2020. The answer is that these laws are a political ploy.
It is political game playing with the labour party. If the government is to
achieve an overall fiscal surplus and taxes are not to be raised, then spending
must first be cut, and then kept at a level, relative to gross domestic
product, achieved only twice in the past 70 years. If Labour supports the
Conservative laws, it embraces a relatively small state forever, but if it
opposes them, it is condemned as a tax and spend profligate. This is a deliberate
political trap. How clever it turns out to be depends on whether enough voters
believe the ideas make sense and I believe that here the chancellor has
underestimated the intelligence of the electorate.
Mr Osborne and the conservative party argue that
the crisis has proven the need for a surplus in normal times. In other words,
that we would be better prepared and the effects of another financial crisis
would be lost profound if we were not already in debt when the financial crisis
happens. However it would have made little difference to the effects of the
financial crisis in 2008 if labour had run a balanced budget before it. In both
Ireland & Spain for example, they had been running a balanced budget before
the financial crisis, yet the financial crisis devastated both these economies.
Osborne also argues that the strong recovery of the UK economy proves fiscal
policy is not needed. So abandoning fiscal flexibility would be no loss. But the
truth is that the UK recovery has been very
weak. The return to pre-crisis levels of real GDP per head has taken two years
longer even than in the Great Depression. This is so even though the chancellor
abandoned many of his planned cuts after 2011-12.
A third argument from Osborne is that a fiscal
surplus is a hallmark of prudence. Yet the focus on public debt alone is
mistaken. Crucially, it ignores the asset side of the balance sheet altogether.
Moreover, all things being equal, the bigger the fiscal surplus, the lower
interest rates would be. If that encouraged a run-up of private debt, the
economy could end up even more unstable. Alas, the Office for Budget
Responsibility already forecasts a big jump in household debt. A more sensible
argument would be that, even if fiscal irresponsibility neither caused the
crisis nor created difficulty in managing it, as proven by low real and nominal
interest rates, public debt must now fall relative to GDP. That would restore
the “fiscal space” used by the rise in net public debt from 37% of GDP in 2007
to 80% today.
As Mr Osborne well knows, there are alternative
measures that can be taken to reduce our national debt in the long term. It
does not all have to be done right away. In fact the ratio of our public debt
to GDP is well below it’s average over the past three centuries. Naturally,
such considerations including the case for fiscal stimulus apply only if a
country has fiscal space. But markets and the IMF agree that the UK has such
space. It is clear that the obsession with public debt is unhealthy. Public
borrowing is not always an evil. Nor is private borrowing always a good. It is
quite appropriate to borrow to invest. Not least, the time to reduce public
debt comes when economies boom and interest rates are far from the floor and
despite what the chancellor claims, our economy is certainly not booming.
Explaining that a surplus is not, nor should it
be the main goal can easily dismiss this trap being set by the government. More
important is the nature, strength and durability of an economic recovery. Also
important is how fiscal consolidation is achieved and at whose expense. It
should never be at the expense of the poorest and those least able to defend
themselves in a democratic society.
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